Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

Puritans were a group of people that had very strict religious beliefs and someone could be killed for not following it.  Puritans do not exist today but there are still groups like them in existence.  In my opinion some people who believe in Christianity act like modern day puritans.  I say this referring to people who think gay marriage should be against the law.  The only argument to support this is god said it was bad.  I feel this shows blind following of religion even when nothing bad actually comes from it, like what the puritans did when people practiced witchcraft.  I thought in today's society there was suppose to be a separation of church and state, but apparently that is not true.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor. Hero or Stooge

By the end of "The Crucible" John Proctor has shown that he is a hero not a stooge.
  John had an affair with Abigail but he regretted it.  You can tell he regretted it because he claims he will cut off his hand before doing it again.  John also told his wife about the affair which shows he does feel bad for it.
   John shows he is a good person when he learns that his wife is pregnant.  He does not accept the deal the judge offered of letting his wife go until she gives birth because his other friends would still be in jail.
   John is a hero because when he learns from Marry Warren that Abigail was lying about people being witches he takes Marry to court so everybody can learn the truth.
   At the end of act 4 John tries to be a hero.  He does this by "admitting" he was witch but instead of saying he saw other people being witches he claims he saw no one else.  John does this to try to get his friends out of jail by saying that they are not witches.  This does not work and leaves John being accused about not telling the truth about what he saw so they hang him anyways.  This still leaves John as a hero for trying to do a good thing.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arrivals...There goes the neighborhood

This topic seems extremely true in the case of the Native Americans having to deal with Europeans.  The Europeans invaded a place that seemed rather peaceful and almost completely destroyed it by spreading diseases and killing people.  I think this topic can also be taken as the people already in the neighborhood as the people being bad/racist.  In Salem, the place where The Crucible takes place, the people would say the neighborhood is ruined if any one with different beliefs came in even if they were good people.  So new arrivals can ruin a neighborhood but the neighborhood should also be accepting and not assume every new person is bad and dislike them for it.