Monday, May 12, 2014

Short Story

He had always had the mind set to kill but never actually did it, and the one time he tried to he failed miserably, was caught and then sentenced to death because even attempted murder was deserved death where he lived. The people that knew him well were not surprised by what he had done but wished they knew how to stop him from wanting to do it. The people that believed that he would kill felt so strongly that he would that they sent him to a therapist to try to prevent it. The therapist could have helped if he had been more open to it but he was not open to it because by the time he went he had already made up his mind to kill and was just working out the details.
He chose his carefully method; he wanted to make sure they would be missed when they were gone. He stalked many people. He learned their schedules, their hobbies and even why they made the choices that they did.  For each person he followed he thought of a different way to kill. His imagined methods included shooting, stabbing, burying alive, drowning and other things of that nature. After about a week of following each person he would realize that the method he had planned to use was flawed but he could not make himself think of a different method to use when following the same person so he would switch people.
After he had followed twenty three people he decided which method to use. The method he chose he came up with while following close family. He knew the method was flawed but after thinking through all his options he decided it would have the biggest emotional effect while still being able to kill. He decided he would stab his victim at least three times.
As he though more and more about it the people around him started to notice that something was up so they made him see a second therapist. The second therapist was different from the first. The second therapist demanded instead of asked and was very pushy. The second therapist made him say his inner emotions and said that at one point in time he had felt the same way. He pretended not to know what the therapist meant by felt the same way but the therapist did not justify this with a response. Instead the therapist asked why he would want to do something like what he planned to do and told how he would regret it instantly. He left the therapist feeling like he may not kill but as he got further and further away he remembered all his reasons to and decided to go through with it any way.
He decided to follow his victim for a few more weeks waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. He needed to wait until people were angry at his victim so that they would feel bad for hating the victim the last time they saw him.  It all happened quickly, one day when he saw his victim he could tell he was upset. As soon as his victim got to school his victim started studying for a test, as his friends approached him, he told them to leave him alone to study. Saying that annoyed his friends, so they insulted him and walked away. For the rest of the day nobody talked to his victim and when the victim got home his parents yelled at him for doing poorly on the test.  A few minutes later he broke into his victim’s house with a knife and sneaked into his victim’s room he quickly stabbed his victim in the chest five times and then escaped leaving his victim to bleed out.

The only thing he did not account for was his victims unexpected want to live. The victim was taken to the hospital where he told the police exactly who had done it. There was no trial because he admitted to doing it when the police asked him.  Where he lived any attempted murder was punishable by death, so that is what his sentence was. The day he walked into his execution chamber he saw his victim sitting in the front row and felt like he was there sitting with his victim instead of in the chamber. As he started to die from the poison rushing through his body he smiled and only one thought went through his mind he had succeeded in killing his victim.

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